Although ketamine is mainly used as an anesthetic in hospitals, in recent decades, research and studies have emerged proving it to be an ultra-effective and powerful treatment for a multitude of mental, physical, and spiritual ailments. The ketamine experience is unlike any other modality available and drastically improves symptoms for those with depression, chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD and much more.
A recent study found that 10% of Americans suffer from depression, with depression rising fastest in young adults and teens, respectively. Another study showed between 29% and 46% of patients with depression do not respond fully to conventional treatment with antidepressants.
Research shows a 75% success rate when using ketamine to treat depression.
Approximately 18% of people between the ages of 18-54 suffer from anxiety disorders in any given year. This includes obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and phobias. Approximately 50% of GAD sufferers are treatment resistant and many people taking anti-anxiety medications build up a tolerance, running the risk of addiction.
Research shows that anxiety scores in patients improved by 50% at the last treatment of ketamine.
Studies show that 50 million adults in the US suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain is linked to mental health conditions such as depression, suicidal ideation, addiction, and alcoholism. If people are not self-medicating, doctors often prescribe painkillers, which carries its own set of risks.
Ketamine has been proven to provide relief in those suffering from Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) for up to 12 weeks.
PTSD affects up to 26 million Americans at some point in their lives. Up to 1/3 of people with PTSD still exhibit symptoms 10 years after diagnosis. The current preferred method of conventional treatment, Paroxetine and Sertraline (SSRIs) fail in up to 60% of patients.
A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that up to 67% of PTSD sufferers experienced a 30% or more reduction of symptoms from baseline at week 2 of treatments.
According to statistics, approximately 42.5 million people suffer from some type of drug addiction including methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine, opioids, inhalants and nicotine. Rehabilitation for drug addiction has an incredibly low success rate, with relapses occurring in 40-60% of people suffering from this disease.
A recent study has proven ketamine is successful at extending recovery for both addicts and those suffering from alcohol use disorder.
Approximately 15 million American adults have Alcohol Use Disorder and only 7% will ever receive treatment. Like addiction, the traditional approach for treating alcohol use disorder is inpatient rehabilitation, with only 33% of people remaining sober after 1 year.
In a recent study, ketamine was proven to have an 86% success rate over 6 months.
Approximately 30 million Americans live with an eating disorder. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Most eating disorders have co-occurring health conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse, which means a multi-step approach is needed for treatment. Sixty-percent of anorexia sufferers relapse.
In an early study with ketamine, 60% of anorexia sufferers achieved total remission from anorexic thoughts and behaviors.
More than 9.4 million American adults have serious thoughts about committing suicide annually, with hundreds of thousands seeking treatment for suicidal ideation.
Recent research shows that ketamine provided elimination of suicidal ideation symptoms in 58.6% of patients.
Sixty-one percent of Americans will experience a migraine at some point in their life. Migraines are notoriously hard to prevent and treat, with a long list of medications prescribed for preventative care.
A study showed that 77% of migraine sufferers treated with ketamine experienced improvement with pain intensity immediately following ketamine infusions, with 40% reporting sustained results.
According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 70% of adults in the US have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That’s 223.4 million people.
Ketamine has shown to be a highly effective treatment for resolving unhealed trauma, including childhood trauma, especially for those who have not responded well to other treatments.
The reason ketamine is effective at treating so many conditions is because it doesn’t just target one system in the brain, but dozens. Ketamine has the greatest effect on the glutamate system. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter used in the central nervous system and the brain. It is involved in centralized sensitization, which is associated with chronic pain. It also plays a major role in shaping memory and learning.
Many patients receiving ketamine therapy have psychedelic experiences. This type of response allows them to view themselves and difficult memories from different perspectives, leading to the releasing of trauma and total healing. Once these traumas are reprocessed or released, patients can live without the mood disorder the traumas were causing.
Another appealing effect of ketamine is the unique and rapid onset of action versus conventional treatments that often include taking prescriptions. Medications often take some time work, come with undesired side-effects, and can lead to addiction.
Submit an inquiry and our team will help you find the best treatment options for you.
At Daytryp Health, our Ketamine treatments start with a screening of your vitals, including heart rate, oxygen, and pulse. After that, a preliminary consultation with our Medical Director takes place, preparing you for your journey. The conversation involves discussing expectations, setting intentions, and everything else pertaining to your ketamine therapy experience.
Ketamine can be administered either by injection or an infusion via an IV drip. Our doctor will determine which is best option for your condition.
From start to finish, ketamine therapy sessions typically take between 1-2 hours depending on the type of protocol you are utilizing. Protocols for mental health issues such as depression require less time than treating chronic pain.
After the session, you’ll download your experience with our therapist before being escorted to our integration room where you’ll enjoy fresh fruits, hot tea, and a very relaxed environment. You should plan to add about an hour to the session time above to accommodate vitals, prelim consult, and integration time.
Ketamine treatment approaches may differ between clinics. However, Daytryp Health’s ketamine therapists are always there to support you, to alleviate any anxiety or fear, and to ensure you do not experience any negative side effects during your sessions.
Furthermore, we are there to make sure the “set and setting” are perfect for your journey. We “hold space” to minimize any negative energy that may be lingering around. That’s the Daytryp Health way.
Ketamine therapy may vary in the number of sessions required based on the patient’s response to the treatment, or their needs. On average, and where we see the most profound changes take place, is 6-8 sessions taking place over several weeks.
Our Medical Director will choose the right dosage for you to start and will gradually increase it until a therapeutic effect is achieved. Everyone is treated individually and differently as needs, goals, and intentions are all unique.
Anyone that is suffering from any of the conditions mentioned above is likely to benefit from ketamine therapy, especially those who have not found relief trying conventional methods and/or are treatment resistant.
When administered by a professional medical doctor in a therapeutic setting, the side effects of ketamine are minimal. Ketamine is well tolerated by most patients. You will receive a health screening prior to your treatment to ensure you are a good candidate.
People with certain health conditions should not seek ketamine treatment. These conditions include:
Many of the patients we treat arrive mentally, emotionally, and physically drained from their conditions, yet remain hopeful. We are excited and so very grateful to be able to provide a treatment protocol that will result in not just the alleviation of symptoms for so many, but total wellness and transformation. Contact us today to get started!
Your visit to Daytryp for mental health issues typically require an hour and a half to 2 hours. For our pain protocol, plan on being at Daytryp for at least 3.5 hours.
Ketamine is a dissociative medication, which means it has the potential to cause a feeling of disconnection from reality. The patient may also experience an altered “sense of self”. Beyond that, the administration of this anesthetic may cause drowsiness, the heaviness of limbs, and hypersensitivity to lights and noise.
During Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, the patient stays conscious all the time but may encounter euphoria or extreme relaxation. Both symptoms distract them from traumatic memories of the past, as well as other negative life circumstances resulting in depression or anxiety. Some patients reported experiencing hallucinogenic effects. These side effects typically vanish within 10-15 minutes after the Ketamine therapy session is over.
Ketamine therapy is rarely covered by state and federally funded insurance plans, except for a nasal spray called Spravato. Daytryp Health plans on offering Spravato in 2023. Until then, we can provide you with a super bill and you can submit that to your insurance for reimbursement. Some people have had success in getting some or all the costs reimbursed.
Ketamine infusion therapy may intervene with many medications, health supplements as well as herbs including benzodiazepines, SSRIs, relaxants, opioids. Disclose your full list of medications to the doctor to avoid possible interactions.
When looking for Ketamine Therapy near me, you should always assess the decision with your current physician.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy starts with a medical intake and initial medical consultation with our Medical Director. We check blood pressure, pulse, and other vitals to ensure you are ready to continue the treatment.
This psychedelic medicine may cause certain side effects including:
• a spike in blood pressure
• accelerated heart rate
• drowsiness
• blurred vision
• nausea
• headache
These side effects are mostly of short-term nature and vanish within 10-15 minutes after your Ketamine therapy is over.
Ketamine is known to help give clients physical and mental relief from pain. Alleviation of pain leads to a calmer state and thus, better sleep! Kind of a triple win in our eyes!!!
Lack of sleep is a symptom of depression. Insomnia plagues those suffering from depression often as they have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. In turn, it takes a toll on both the physical and mental state, furthering issues like irritability and loss of pleasure in activities. Other mental disorders like anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have similar effects on sleep. The repeated cycle of sleep loss from these mental disorders can make the negative effects of them even worse. As with those that suffer from anxiety, the mind races, as the inability to control worry creeps in and becomes constant.
With the use of ketamine, improvement of mental disorders can happen, leading to a place of well-being for clients and a more peaceful night’s sleep. This new type of cycle has positive effects for clients as their body can rest and rejuvenate. For those suffering from PTSD, studies have shown ketamine treatments can even help eliminate a very common side effect of PTSD, nightmares. It’s truly an incredible way to find a new way of healthy living.
Once client’s experience relief from ketamine treatments and have improved sleep, it is important to create a method of sleep hygiene for continued success in the R&R department. This includes regular exercise, limiting blue light exposure before bed, and aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Having a sleep routine with a set bedtime every night regardless of if you are sleepy or not can also help. Ketamine should always be used in approved medical settings as using ketamine recreationally can have an aversive effect, especially on sleep.
If you or a loved one have been struggling with getting quality Zzz’s due to a mental disorder, we would love to connect to see if ketamine treatment is right for you.
The therapeutic benefits of ketamine are leading patients to ketamine clinics to find relief from their mood disorders. Many clinics administer sub-anesthetic doses via an IV infusion, intramuscular shot, or sublingual trouche and some patients find alleviation in a matter of hours although, for many, subsequent treatments are needed.
Ketamine can affect each person differently which is why it is important to choose a clinic that does thorough pre-screening. The dosage of ketamine also plays a big part in how the body will react. Ketamine can affect the heart, brain, and even neurotransmitters. When given at a sub-anesthetic dose, ketamine influences the cardiac system. Some studies have shown that both blood pressure and heart rate can increase significantly with a sub-anesthetic dose, while other studies have found only a small increase.
The effects of ketamine on the brain are becoming more and more appealing to those seeking treatment for depression. A “therapeutic journey” is often associated with ketamine. Many patients state their mind-manifest into a calm state with treatment and they see visions of colors and patterns float in, feeling awake at another level of consciousness. Some say they feel a separation between mind and body and are then able to revisit past experiences or people. They’ve also felt this experience to be loving in nature as they process their experiences that have sometimes been suppressed or avoided. Navigating patiently through this journey, they can find a release. Studies support reductions in symptoms of depression, suicidality, and PTSD among other mood disorders.
While antidepressants commonly target monoamine neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine, ketamine targets glutamate. Researchers suspect glutamate and major depression to have a close correlation. The glutamate hypothesis of depression includes evidence to show that patients suffering from depression have lower levels of glutamate. Studies of ketamine treatment have shown that it increases glutamate, therefore having a positive effect on battling depression.
While ketamine has many benefits, it should not be used as a recreational drug. If you or a loved one want to explore the safe options available for ketamine treatment, connect with Daytryp Health to learn more.
When considering ketamine infusion to treat depression, patients often wonder what the process is like to get started and see results. We are breaking down the best practices associated with ketamine therapy so you can best prepare for a successful treatment!
Ketamine can have contradictions with other drugs or not always be suited for patients with existing medical conditions. When considering ketamine-assisted therapy, it is important that the clinicians do a pre-screening of a patient’s past and present medical history. There is also pre-treatment testing.
At Daytryp Health, we incorporate pre-treatment testing that includes blood and urine tests, blood pressure, and an EKG. These precautionary measures are taken to determine if a patient is a good candidate for treatment and will be safe during the procedures. Once a patient is approved for treatment, there are additional steps that should take place before, during, and after treatment to ensure safety and results.
As the patient, you should always try to research as much as possible about any treatment you are considering. Get involved and ask questions so you are well informed before pressing go on a ketamine infusion. For example, researching the side effects of ketamine infusions can help you plan to avoid the negative ones. Typically, patients are asked to fast about 3 hours before the ketamine infusions as nausea and vomiting are known side effects. It is crucial patients follow the pre-treatment recommendations like fasting as vomiting during the procedure could lead to aspiration or other issues. Get with your clinic and get clear on what they recommend for you.
Ketamine is a psychedelic and is known to increase heart rate. Caffeine and alcohol should not be taken before getting a ketamine infusion. Caffeine can cause an increased risk of panic episodes and alcohol can contradict ketamine with extreme slowed breathing and cardiac arrest. If chronic alcoholism is something a patient struggles with and they are intoxicated when receiving ketamine treatment, even fatality can happen. Always consult with your prescribing physician and ketamine clinic pretreatment about any drugs or issues that can potentially cause unpleasant side effects. Their knowledge is your power, so get in the know!
Mood disorders like major depressive disorder, anxiety, and PTSD can often leave patients struggling on a deep level within themselves. One remedy that is widely encouraged in talk therapy is self-care and the same is true before receiving ketamine infusion.
As a psychedelic drug, ketamine can affect both the physical body and subjective state. Depending on the dosage, altered mood and thoughts can arise. Many describe an out of body experience and some hallucinate.
Before going on a psychedelic journey, practicing peaceful meditation, good nutrition, and journaling can all contribute to a successful treatment. Get in the driver’s seat and journal about your expected outcomes and feelings about this new journey.
Make space for the good in your life and make sure you continue to practice self-care after your clinical treatments as well.
The time has finally come for you to get in on what so many are calling a breakthrough for mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and PTSD… Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy. You do your due diligence, get ready for treatments, and then find the treatments are not working for you. This can feel like a hopeless spot to be in, especially if you are treatment resistant to antidepressants as it stands. We want to encourage you not to lose hope but help you find some answers on what to do next if the treatment doesn’t work for you.
If your psychedelic treatment doesn’t work, consider some of the things that could have ultimately affected the treatment’s success. If you were taking other medications that contradict Ketamine, this could have influenced the outcome of treatment. Talk to your treatment team about any other medications and get educated on how to proceed.
Typically for most, it’s not, “one and done!” While there are patients out there that find relief from their mood disorders in a matter of hours after treatment, most patients need more than one treatment. A standard range usually falls in between 4-6 treatments but can differ from case to case. Talk to your doctor about what number of treatments they feel would provide results and then work up an action plan to make it happen. Daytryp Health offers patient consultations so don’t hesitate to reach outside of your standing clinic for a second opinion either.
The dosage of ketamine can also contribute to its effectiveness. This again can differ from patient to patient in finding a dose that is not too low or high. Don’t be afraid to try the treatment again and see if your in-clinic team can help to determine if the drug dosage needs adjustment.
Lastly, treatments are one thing but the life you live in between treatments matters. Sometimes aligning talk therapy, physical exercise, nutrition, sleep, and self-care can make all the difference in your recovery success. Get connected with others who have gone through the journey to see how they triumphed through. Stay encouraged and know there are people out there ready to support you!
When considering Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) as a treatment option for your mental health, it can be an exciting time. There is plenty of popularity surrounding ketamine and the benefits many are seeing when seeking treatment from ketamine clinics, with fast results! Many are trying to determine if ketamine treatment is right for them, and we are here to help with some tips in making that step!
If you have suffered from depression or other mood disorders and have exhausted standard treatment options like antidepressants and talk therapy, it may be time to step outside the box. Many patients have treatment-resistant depression as well, leaving them spinning in hopelessness. Talking to your medical doctor about psychedelic therapy can open to a world of possibilities to find something that works! Ketamine can offer patients a therapeutic journey, where they are finally able to find resolve around past traumas peacefully and move on!
One of the most appealing aspects of ketamine is its effectiveness in treating depression. Although there are plenty of studies to show that ketamine makes waves on mental health, the FDA would consider its treatment for depression as “off label.” With that in mind, many Doctors are prescribing ketamine for off label use in medical settings via ketamine clinics according to the American Psychological Association (APA). The bottom line, ketamine is widely supported in its off-label use for mood disorders. Pharmaceutical companies have taken note and have started to test the drug as an answer to depression.
The best way to determine if ketamine or any psychedelic therapy is right for you is to get informed. Daytryp Health offers consultations and can help you better determine if ketamine therapy is right for you!
A ketamine clinic is where clients can receive safe treatment for depression, pain, and other issues as they journey within to foster new beginnings. The clinic administers sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine to allow this journey to begin but before they do, they adhere to protocols to ensure the best possible outcome for each and every client.
A medical assessment is done first and foremost to ensure that there are no medical contraindications for clients. Medical history and medications that the client uses are provided to the clinic so their team can proceed safely with the unique needs of every client. DayTryp Health also incorporates pre-treatment testing that includes blood and urine test, blood pressure, and an EKG. These precautionary measures are taken to make sure ketamine is appropriate for every client.
The clinic also adds extra layers of safety to the psychedelic journey our clients take with doctors on site. DayTryp doctors monitor clients during their in-clinic treatments with vitals and anesthesia levels under constant observation.
Many people wonder when first learning about ketamine clinics if they are legal in Arizona. The answer is YES. Ketamine is legal in the US and in many countries for medical use. Many medical professionals have seen the benefits of ketamine in treating ailments that are not responsive to typical pharmaceutical drugs and the word is out as more and more clinics open across the globe.
Arizona laws with guidelines for Ketamine do exist to protect clients entering clinics and prevent illegal use of the drug. The treatment dose must be a sedation level dose that has been prescribed by a licensed practitioner. Management of care is another requirement, as clinicians remain on-site to monitor clients and manage any potential effects the treatment may have. Arizona ketamine laws also require records and documentation to help ensure client safety.
Recreational use of ketamine is illegal. A prescription is needed for the use of ketamine, and it is important to seek safe and secure care in a clinical setting.
Submit an inquiry and our team will help you find the best treatment options for you.
Daytryp Health has taken The North Star Ethics Pledge, a commitment to a set of principles for individuals working professionally in the field of psychedelics and mental health. North Star is a nonprofit working to shape the psychedelic industry around psychedelic wisdom.
The Modern Spirit Reciprocity Project provides scholarships for Native Americans to receive ketamine-assisted therapy. Daytryp Health supports the ancestral cultures of this land with a vision for increased access to psychedelic-assisted therapy. America’s most popular weight loss drugs, peptides, sexual health, anti-aging and Ketamine Therapy medicines accessible and convenient—all at your fingertips! A quick and easy tele-health appointment to determine appropriateness is necessary for all controlled substances. We make it fast, simple and easy for you to receive your favorite healing medicines, at home!