Is Psychedelic Therapy for Me?
Psychedelic Therapy Can Help...
Are you feeling down, stuck, or blocked in life?
Do you feel like your life lacks purpose?
Do you suffer from any painful mood disorders such as depression, PTSD, anxiety or OCD?
Are you dependent on medications, alcohol, or other drugs?
Do you feel like you always end up on the wrong path?
Are you struggling to manage the symptoms of chronic pain on a daily basis?
Do you suffer from a negative self-image that affects your daily life in the form of an eating disorder?
What to expect?
Daytryp Health offers unique, therapeutic experiences that utilize sub-anesthetic levels of Ketamine to allow for deep and often life changing, inward journeys. Unlike most treatments that mask symptoms pharmacologically, Ketamine functions as a doorway into your own consciousness, providing an opportunity to explore and examine feelings and emotions that could otherwise remain buried and harmful to your mental and physical health.
When going through a psychedelic experience, people often feel soothed and calmed. They may have visions of intense colors and shapes, which can lead to a sense of being awake in a different realm of consciousness. You may feel like you are outside your body and find yourself revisiting memories from the past. Generally, there is a feeling of warmth and love that encompasses the person, allowing them to gently and kindly confront issues that they may otherwise try to push down or run away from.

Our Protocol
Medical Assessment
Each Daytryp Health patient will be required to fill out a medical questionnaire and will meet with one of our medical staff prior to your journey. This intake is an essential part of the experience as we educate you on what to expect as well as help you determine any intentions and goals you may desire to set with your treatments.
Ketamine Treatments
One of our medical staff typically administers 6 treatments/infusions over a 2-4 week period, receiving up to 2 injections/infusions per week. The treatments take place in one of five of our thoughtfully and serene treatment rooms. Vitals, heart rate and oxygen levels are monitored by Daytryp Health doctors to ensure the highest level of safety.
Post-Journey Integration
The window of time after your session is highly conducive for continued healing, processing, integration of what you learned during your session, and growth. This is called neuroplasticity. It’s natural to want to use this time wisely. The integration segment of our protocol helps to ensure you get the most out of your ketamine therapy sessions.
Follow-Up, For Life
Working with our therapists and discussing what arises during your journey is a critical piece of your Daytryp Health journey. You’ll be given ample resources to help understand the nature of your experience, thus allowing for an integration plan for yourself. You are not alone in this process, and will have our continued support, for life. We are family now 🙂
Preparing for Your Journey
If you would like to bring your own blanket, pillow, or eye mask with you then please feel free to do so. Otherwise we can provide you with any of the above for use during your infusion. We also provide noise cancelling headphones, but if you have a favorite pair bring them along.
We ask that you don’t eat or drink anything for 4 hours prior to your first infusion so we can see how you respond. Also, we don’t want you to drink just before coming in as getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of your infusion is no fun! Avoid caffeine or any other stimulants. Avoid alcohol the night before your infusion.
At this time, due to COVID-19, we ask that you call us to ensure we can accommodate guests in the clinic.
We will review your current medications at your initial consultation. We ask that you do NOT make any medication changes during your induction series as this can complicate treatment. If you are on medications that have been known to lessen the effectiveness of ketamine (e.g. benzodiazepines, lamotrigine) we may ask you to make some adjustments to your dosing schedule.
Get comfortable! Wear loose fitting clothes and layers are advisable. Avoid heels. Keep in mind that we will need access to put an IV in your arm and you will have a couple stickers placed on your chest and upper abdomen for the heart monitor.
Great question! You may hear us talk about “set and setting” when it comes to preparing for an infusion. We are mostly in charge of the setting – providing a comfortable, low stimulus, and safe environment. On the other hand, you are the master or your own mindset. Try to clear your mind and prepare yourself for the experience. For some, this may mean doing yoga, breathwork, listening to music, or meditation. Others may want to take a nature walk or sit by the lakeside and listen to the lapping of the waves. Setting the stage for yourself can lead to a more profound and peaceful infusion.
As mentioned previously, ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic. What in the world does that mean? In broad terms, to dissociate is to disconnect – disconnect from earthly surroundings, thoughts, emotions, memories and even your sense of self. Perception of time and space is often warped. Each person’s experience is unique and each session can differ for each individual. Lay back, uncross your legs and relax. Get centered, breathe, let go of thoughts the best you can and know you are safe. Allow the music to help guide you through the experience. If there are visuals, watch and enjoy. If there are thoughts or ideas you want to explore, do so. If there is emptiness, enjoy the peace. For most people receiving low dose ketamine infusions the experience is peaceful. For some, however, the feeling of disconnection can provoke anxiety or fear resulting in an unpleasant experience. It is not always easy to predict who will have the latter. There are things that we can do to make each session as pleasant as possible. There are also things that you can do to help set the stage for a positive and beneficial experience. We will help to guide you on your individual journey.
Ketamine can cause nystagmus – involuntary movement of the eyes. While this is generally very mild at low doses, trying to focus your eyes on anything may prove difficult and can lead to feeling dizzy or nauseous. We encourage you to wear an eye mask for this reason. Also, we encourage you to let go of any outside stimulus and focus on what your own mind is experiencing. Allow yourself to explore. Music, on the other hand, can play an important role and act as a guide through your infusion. Music is very personal and everyone responds differently to different types of music. We recommend you listen to something that relaxes and comforts you in some way. It is not advisable to listen to music with lyrics as they can become distorted and distracting. We can provide music playlist recommendations and a listening device for use during your infusion. We highly discourage listening to music on your phone as all too often a call, text or email notification will manage to sneak through and ruin your session. In fact, we will ask that you turn off your phone and put it away until after your infusion is complete.
Ketamine therapy sessions last about 45 minutes but you should plan on being at Daytryp for at least 90 minutes to account for the preparation time needed prior to your infusion and the time needed to recover afterwards. Some clients won’t need this much time but some may need even a bit longer. Pain infusions can be as long as 4 hours so plan on being at the clinic for a good portion of your day.
Your health and safety is our highest priority. If for any reason we do not feel it is safe for you to undergo a ketamine journey, then we will not give it. Hopefully we can help to resolve any issues and you will be able to reschedule for another day.
Absolutely not. You will be asked to sign a form stating that you understand this. You cannot drive for at least 12 hours after an infusion. Doing so will put you and others in danger. Please arrange for a trusted friend or family member to pick you up. Public transportation is NOT recommended! It is simply too much stimulus after an infusion. Taxis and rideshares are an option but not ideal. Please discuss any transportation concerns with us. If you’d like to schedule our Cosmic Travel Agency Van, where we pick you up and drop you back at home after your treatment is over, please let us know. It’s a great option!
We recommend that you go home and relax the rest of the day, particularly following your initial infusion. Some people recover very quickly from any side effects while others need time. Until you know how your body reacts, plan on just taking it easy. When the effects wear off, pay attention to your mood. Has it shifted and, if so, how? Take some time to reflect on your experience. Take notes and consider journaling. You should definitely not operate heavy machinery, make any big life decisions or plan on taking care of young children following your treatment.
Life After Treatment
It is our hope that you are feeling significantly better and your quality of life has greatly improved! You will receive a check-in call from one of our team members after your induction series to see how you are doing and if there is anything we can do to support you. There may be challenges that come with integrating back into daily life once you have experienced a brain reboot from ketamine. We are here to help!
Keep in mind that ketamine is actually only a small part of your journey. So much of what you do outside of the clinic will determine the level of success with the treatment.
If you rely solely on the ketamine, you will most likely find that you will need to return for boosters and require maintenance.
Similarly, if you are not truly open to the fact that there is potential to change your life, then again, you will not have the best results.
However, if you have an open mind, are determined to overcome your current mental and emotional limitations, do the infusions, work with your therapist and/or utilize self-help tools, and learn how to integrate what you’ve experienced throughout your sessions with us then you will have a great chance at long term success.
We didn’t say it would be easy, but with the right attitude, it’s 100% possible to heal yourself!
This does depend on your underlying condition but most people do require maintenance ketamine infusions indefinitely. Keep in mind that ketamine is a tool, not a cure. Generally speaking, if you have suffered from major depression for as long as you can remember, you’ll likely need ongoing support. If you experienced a single traumatic event and suffer from acute PTSD, you may not need months or years of regular infusions. Every condition responds differently as does every person.
We do and encourage clients to take advantage of this service. Ketamine is a unique drug and you may find it challenging for those unfamiliar with it to understand the changes you have experienced. Talking to others who have undergone ketamine infusions can be extremely helpful and provide additional support that may be critical for your journey of healing. We offer group therapy as part of many of our treatment packages.
Psychedelic Research
Evidence suggests that psychedelic drugs can be an effective treatment for PTSD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depression & addiction — including cases that don’t respond to conventional medicines. A Johns Hopkins study and a concurrent New York University study found that about 80 percent of participants showed clinically significant decreases in depressed mood and anxiety even six months after receiving one to two psilocybin treatments.